Therefore I desire that the younger widows marry,bear children, manage the house, give noopportunity to the adversary to speak reproachfully.1 Timothy 5:14 The word translated here as “manage” the house, means to be the head of a family! The Greek word is "oikodespoteo" (
3616 in Strong’s) which means, “to be the head of” or in other words “to rule” a family.
Now it is getting hot in here.The King James Version interprets this as to “guide the house”. That was a safe translation.
I can imagine that if the translators had translated the word
literally that women are to be the
head of a family or
rule the family there would have been problems. They might have heard the much feared words from the king, “Off with his head!”
The word we just looked at,
“oikodespoteo,” is taken from the word
“oikodespotes,” which means exactly the same thing: to be the head of a family. King James translates this in other verses as “goodman of the house”, “householder” and “master of the house.”
For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that
is an householder, which went out early in the
morning to hire laborers into his vineyard.
Matthew 20:1
The word translated “householder” in Matthew 20:1 is the same word used to describe a wife’s leadership in the home. This person was
in charge! He hired the laborers. This is a parable describing leadership in the same way that a wife is authorized to be the head of the house.
So that servant came, and shewed his lord these things. Then
the master of the house being angry said to his servant,
Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and
bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.
Luke 14:21
Here the word is translated “master of the house”. This is what the wife is supposed to be! The master of the house!
How can this be? How can God tell both the husband and wife to be the head of the house together?HE IS GOD! God planned it this way! God’s plan for leadership in your home is one of team leadership and mutual submission. Another word to describe mutual submission would be mutual “adaptation”.
What are we after? We are after teamwork and mutual respect when it comes to leading the family unit. That is what the Bible teaches; husbands and wives working together, leading their home as a team. The two become ONE!
You can do this. I know it is a new paradigm. Just remember that the goal is to grow up.
Adults do not always demand their way. Toddlers do. You really do not want to stay at the emotional age of a toddler.
Emphasizing that you are the head of the house and demanding that your wife submit to and obey you only does one thing. It leaves you as a forty- or fifty-year old toddler who throws temper tantrums when things do not go his way.
Quit living like this. You are better than that.
The only way for you to become the man that God has called you to be is to become the husband your wife needs you to be.