Tuesday, May 29, 2007

STOP accusing the brethren!

quoted from Communion With God by Mark & Patti Virkler

(pg 106-107)

I found that I generally forfeited the principles of mercy and faithfulness when dealing with others. I was harsh and severe in my judgment of them, and rather than being faithful and loyal to them, I came against them, more as the accuser of the brethren. Therefore, I assumed a satanic stance, rather than a Holy Spirit stance, that is, I tended to “come against” rather than “coming alongside”...

...it finally dawned on me that the accuser’s stance is satan’s stance (the word “devil” literally means “accuser”) and the comforter’s stance is the Holy Spirit’s stance. Since this revelation, I have made a commitment never to take an accuser’s stance against anyone. No longer will I be the expression of satan. If someone is struggling, hurt, down, or in error, I have one, and only one posture. That is, to come alongside him and comfort him, to be faithful to him, and thus preserve the dignity of all men and the unity of the Body of Christ.

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